My first year of college had its ups and downs. I didn't do so hot grade wise my first semester, but I'm slowly but surely smoothing out the bumps this semester. I realized that engineering wasn't for me and I transferred into the Agribusiness Management major. However, there is one thing that has stayed consistent throughout my freshman year of college, my job. At the beginning of the year, my mom wanted me to get a work study job because I had been granted some work study money on my financial aid report. I had no problem with this because I love having a little extra money on the side. I went to the Hokies for Hire website and discovered numerous open positions. After emailing a few people about the openings, I quickly got a reply from the Virginia Tech Transportation Institute (VTTI). For those of you who aren't familiar with VTTI, it is the universities largest research facility. They specialize in making cars and the highways they drive on safer and less expensive. The job description sounded fairly simple but interesting. Basically I would be helping out around the offices with little odds and ends. I went to VTTI and interviewed for the position. Within one hour, the secretary called and offered me a job. I was very pleased and immediately accepted the offer. The job doesn't pay a mint by any means, but its a great way to make a little bit of spending money. On a typical workday, I start by filling all of the printers and copy machines with paper. Next, I deliver any mail or packages that weren't delivered the previous day. Then at 11 AM and 3:30 PM, we make a "run" to campus. We basically just take the a state car and deliver any envelopes or packages from workers at VTTI to other people around campus. Some other jobs I do at work include: cleaning conference rooms, setting up food and coffee for conferences, assisting workers with their projects, and washing the research cars. I finished up my last day of work at VTTI for the semester yesterday, but I plan to work there again next semester.
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